A Word From Our Patron

'Family Groups offer our Catholic communities the chance to become more family-sensitive, friendly and welcoming, in line with the objectives of the Bishops’ collaborative pastoral initiative: Everybody’s Welcome. At their best, Family Groups offer understanding, friendship and support to all, encourage and celebrate family life in its myriad forms, and help everyone in the parish feel that they belong. I am delighted to be the patron of the Family Group Movement (England & Wales), and to endorse this initiative.'

Peter Doyle, Bishop of Northampton

Family Group Movement Collage

Family Group Movement Collage

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Welcome to the New Blog For Family Groups in England & Wales

This Blog has been created at the request of  Family Groups in England and Wales who wanted a way to share ideas, experiences and resources with each other. The Blog will publish regular news, ideas, feedback and reports from all the Family Group parishes, keeping them in touch with events locally and any developments elsewhere.

Family Groups are parish based groups open to any parishioner and their family, irrespective of age or personal circumstances. Groups meet every six weeks or so for a variety of low cost activities (these have included quizzes, film nights, country & beach walks, music, sporting & themed events, fundraising, House Masses and bring-a-plate suppers.) The group members are bound by their commitment to community fellowship and a desire to grow together in friendship and faith. The groups need the support of their parish priest but are run by volunteer group leaders and parish coordinators.

Click Here To Find a Family Group in Your Area

If you have Family Groups news, details of upcoming events, reports or pictures that you would like to share on this Blog please contact Hannah Moruzzi at the MFL Project Office

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